Hey lovely ladies
Well here is my next instalment of my shopping trips that have taken place over the last few months. This is my favourite category accessories.... :o) I do seriously have a problem with acessories and currently bracelets seem to be at the top of mylist of obsessions....
I think you will see that I have suddenly got into GOLD in a big way lol...
So enough waffle here is what I am currently lovin!
Gold bracelets - Part I
I loveeee these. All of these fab bracelets are from eBay and are less than £12 each. I think the leather type cuff is very similar to a Marc Jacobs and it comes in lots of different colours. If you want any of the sellers names please let me know..
Gold bracelets - Part II
Top bracelet - HM - and I think this was about £6
Bottom bracelet - French Connection (got for Xmas so can't remember price sorry)
Spike cuff - EBay - £4 approx
Big hexagon cuff - HM - £5 approx
Gold/silver cuff - EBay - (can't remember but let me know if you want EBayer name)
Left - Dorthy Perkins - £1 yes £1 think it was a mistake but I am not complaining
Right - Dorthy Perkins - £5 for the set in the sale so happy with both purchases :)

Clutch - ASOS
Can't remember how much sorry as it was an Xmas pressie but they do still have them on there.
Clutch - Zara - £30
I loveeee this bag.I have the black one (will show you this in my faves) and saw the summer version and had to get it as I know these bad boys sell out fast
Clutch - Republic - £10
Again I got this just after Xmas so I got it in the sale but you may find them on eBay
Shoes - Matalan
I think these were about £14. They are a nice height for every day (not had chance to wear them yet cos the weather is cold and stupid!
Shoes - All these shoes are from New Look and were about £20 each
I have had all these shoes for a couple of months and became addicted to these as they are a nice height and heel and are pretty comfy for a night out and loveeee all the colours..
So there you have it, the next instalment of my mammoth shopping trip. As you can see I have had some of these things for a long while as some were Xmas pressies. If you want to know eBay sellers or any other details please let me know.
Will be posting OOTD v soon featuring some of these items.
t x